5 Pieces of Digital Marketing Advice for Newbies

Keeping up with trends in digital marketing can be highly challenging. The playing field is ever-evolving, so the goal post is always moving. We've compiled a quick list of recent digital marketing trends to help businesses like yours stay on point. 

  1. Be sure your website is mobile-friendly. Google has made many changes to its algorithms, and your website will not even be picked up by their search if it's not mobile-friendly.

  2. Videos are huge traffic drivers. Ensure your website has a few videos that tell what your business is about and how to use your products.

  3. Your website needs to be easily accessible. Visitors should be able to deduce what your business is about within seconds of viewing your homepage.

  4. Use social media to connect with consumers in real-time. Second only to your website, social media allows you to use stories to connect, have conversations, answer questions, ask questions, and engage!

  5. Find a collaborator or influencer to help you with your marketing efforts. Co-branded content is fun and an excellent way for consumers to get to know your product alongside another product they may already use. Find a friend and share the love!


It’s Time to Update Your Website


So, You Want to Start a Blog?