Stop Overcomplicating Things

Don’t overcomplicate your marketing strategy by trying to be everywhere for everyone all at once. Your success stems from this:

Know where your audience lives, and visit them there.

It really is that simple. Spend your time, energy, and budget to reach your audience where they live.

We have two clients who know their current and potential customers live on LinkedIn and also respond well to email campaigns. Therefore, our strategy is to communicate directly with them on LinkedIn and reach them personally in their inbox via strategic communications.

By choosing 1 or 2 platforms to focus on, you can avoid the shiny objects that marketing throws your way and nurture your audience through a communication cadence in a place where they’ll be handing out anyway. Over time, they’ll grow to expect those communications to arrive and then, hopefully, anticipate them arriving.

The tactics and creativity can be diverse, but the platforms and branding are consistent.

Need help simplifying or clarifying your brand/marketing strategy? Contact Us.


Ooh, look, shiny object!