Welcome to the
Clear Brand Coaching Community!


For years, Karen and Jamie have managed their business with a simple but effective philosophy:

“We believe the best results come from a collaborative mindset.”

Whether serving corporate marketers or creative entrepreneurs, our strength and passion are as much in mentoring and building relationships as in solving business objectives.

Now, we want to bring that experience to a larger audience through our Clear Brand Coaching Community!

Imagine yourself surrounded by other creative entrepreneurs who share the same problems, learning from each other's wins (and mistakes), and finally getting the valuable advice and support you need to reach your potential.

Whether you typically work alone or with a team, group coaching has so many positive benefits to you and your business.

  • Learn to determine client fit and handle red flags

  • Improve your systems and processes for managing clients

  • Transition from order-taker to expert

  • Enjoy the shared wisdom of the group

  • Work toward common goals in a structured program

  • Improve conflict resolution skills

  • Break down silos through collaboration

If you’re ready to take the first step toward forming a growth mindset, connect with us below.

What You Can Expect

Industry leaders sharing their experience and mentoring

Personal login with access to community content

Communicate in a private Slack group

All sessions will be recorded and available to all members

Get feedback and learn from like-minded professionals

Gain clarity and focus around achieving your goals

If you’re interested, connect with us to learn more!

Once we receive your email, we’ll connect with you to schedule a free 15-minute call to answer any questions you may have.